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Life's crossroads influence who we are.  They are divinely designed to challenge us so that we can learn and grow.  That is life.    

                                                When those junctures  lead to joy and creativity,  it is sublime.


WELCOME  to my business website which provides an overview of my creative endeavors.         




I am a curious soul.  The description of curiosity I most resonate with is “a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning.”  

I love to explore which includes activities, places, ideas, beliefs.  It is hard to be fearful when your curiosity is nudging you to take a risk, be bold, check it out.   This persistent nudging has resulted in amazing insights, greater wisdom, lasting friendships, and wonderful adventures. 

My curiosity has allowed me to enhance my love for nature, which has inspired me to take better care of her.  Plus, it has given me some fun stories to share.

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I like to think of myself as a story teller in training, but what exactly is a story?

It is a “narrative, a connected series of events told through words, (spoken or written), imagery (still and moving), body language, performance, music, or any other form of communication.  The described events can be real or imaginary, covering both fiction and non-fiction, leaving no topic, genre, or style untouched.  There are stories about all things and all times; past, present and future. “

We each have stories of which we can chose to share or keep to ourselves.    At this point in my life, I choose to share a few of mine.


The word Terra comes from Terra Mater (Mother Earth), a Roman goddess representing the fertility and life-giving bounty of Earth‘s lands.   As

ancient agrarian people depended on the earth‘s richness, Terra took on qualities of motherhood and creation.  The Greeks referred to this

goddess as Gaia.    Our Mother Earth provides for us in more ways than just the land, though.

The term Terra also refers to Earth as a planet, not just soil or land.  It indicates our cosmic address within the Universe.  This perspective of Terra imbues our Mother Earth with a consciousness and spirituality. It accentuates her connection, and therefore our connection, with Spirit.

The spiritual concept of Mother Earth / Gaia / Pachamama / Terra represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and reminds us of our connection

with all that is seen and unseen.   Our planet can be a powerful spiritual guide, helping us to cultivate a deeper sense of harmony and balance,

and grounding us so that we are better able to connect to our higher selves.


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